I’m Ruth Alade – business coach, wife to the most amazing man in the world, and mum to two teens.
My speciality is working with coaches in various niches, including the healing, relationships, money, and health niche with programs priced at $3K to $15K, to develop and master the skills to confidently sell 2-3 spots consistently every month!
My Story…
My first year in business went something like this . . .
Sitting at my oak dining table . . . “my office” . . . on my macbook with 17 different tabs open. My kids are at school and it’s just me in my quiet house.
I snoop around on Facebook.
Poof – two hours vanish!
I stalk another coach’s website.
“Wow! Her program looks amazing and she seems to be very successful!”
Poof – there goes another 30 minutes.
I read every page and wonder what exactly she is doing to be so successful.
I hop back on Facebook and in my newsfeed, I see another freebie pdf on how to make $5k in 90 days.
I quickly hit “download” and add it to my huge archive of free pdfs . . . most of which I’ve never read. I stayed busy that first year.
Downloading, learning, enrolling, spending thousands of $$$ on programs and coaching.
You know what I had to show for it?
No clients, no sales, NOTHING!
The money was flooding out of my bank account and nothing was flowing in.
Worse yet, I felt miserable, exhausted from trying to be like everybody else.
Maybe you know exactly what I mean.
The thing I wanted most was to connect with people, yet here I was feeling more disconnected than ever.
Because I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. I thought if I could see what other successful people were doing, I could re-create that for myself.
I was stuck in a vicious cycle of stalking other coaches instead of focusing on how I could show up in my imperfection and help my audience.
And it wasn’t working for me. At all!!!
Two more months go by and here I am again, sitting at my dining room table with a dozen tabs open, still searching the internet for answers and ideas. But this time I came across this beautiful video of a woman sharing her stories.
It wasn’t a perfect video. Not at all!
It was very simple and the woman was just being herself. She had no airs and graces about her.
She had no makeup and she was as plain as ever!
Yet there was something about what she said that I resonated with so powerfully and for days I couldn’t get her out of my head!
That’s when it hit me.
I don’t need to stalk anyone. I don’t need to pretend to be someone I am not.
I had a sudden realisation that I would become successful once I started being me and sharing from my heart.
For the first time in a very long time, I felt excited about my business.
I was excited to try something new.
So I made my own video and wrote a couple of Facebook posts where I shared a personal stories. I let down my guard and I opened myself up in away I never had before in my business.
I felt especially vulnerable doing my first vulnerable video because I stutter.
It was so scary! I felt like people would judge me and criticise the way I talk!
Here’s what happened after that first video.
I went from $0 that week to $5197 in one week.
The only thing I did different?
Bringing more of the REAL me into my business.
And you can do this too.
You don’t need to be like that 6 figure coach.
You don’t need to be perfect!
Right now, in this moment, start from where you are.
Your people are waiting for you to show up!
Since then I’ve worked with coaches in various niches, helping them to develop the confidence, skills and strategies to sell programs ranging from $3k to $12K.
My approach
I’m very curious and I’m fearless. Here’s what I mean….. I’m not afraid to DIG DEEP with love to bring out the best out of you.
I don’t sugar coat the truth because that’s not going to help you. (I think that’s something my clients secretly appreciate about me 😉 )
I don’t only coach on strategy. I spend a lot of time coaching you on your thoughts, emotions and the way you see yourself so you can show up for yourself, your audience and your business in your most POWERFUL, COURAGEOUS version. This is what creates epic results!
Thanks for stopping by and feel free to set up a time for us to have a chat to see how I can support you in your business.