So you have put in a lot of time into creating your ideal client avatar, you are very confident about your message, you are even doing a lot of discovery sessions or sales calls…..but….. all you are hearing are crickets!
I know that by now, you are puzzled why people are not signing up to work with you!
Here’s why!
I was on a group call with my coach and she shared these two reasons which I talk about in this video. The more I thought about it, the more I realised how true it is.
Do you agree?
Watch the video and leave your thoughts and comments below.
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I would really love to hear your thoughts. Share your comment below.
Thanks for stopping by!
P.s. If you’d like to get my latest tips that will help you in the process of building and growing your coaching businss. I share a lot of helpful tips there everyday….click here to go to my Facebook page.
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