So I thought I’d share with you some of the powerful lessons I have learned since I started my coaching business. (If you are in a hurry, the lessons are towards the end of this post).
But first, here’s the background story…. (enjoy 🙂 )
This time last year, I had no clue what coaching was all about.
I had heard the word ‘coaching’ but I didn’t know how it worked and how to even package my skills into a programme that people would pay for.
Back track to January last year (2014), I had gotten so fed up of the internet marketing business I had been running for the previous 3 years. I had lost all passion and was looking for something else to do.
It got so bad that I was no longer taking any action or doing anything in that business so my income started to plummet!
I decided to try my hands at local marketing (helping local businesses have an online presence).
I only lasted 3 months!
I got fed up of having to go to endless networking meetings to meet these local business owners!
So I started looking again!
I knew I had all this knowledge about marketing and sales from over 3 years of having an internet marketing business and I knew I could provide a lot of value to people just starting their businesses.
So I got talking to a friend who was already a coach and she encouraged me to go for it!
I still had no clue how I would make it happen though!
Fortunately, about 3 weeks after having this conversation with my friend, I came across a coach who was doing a coaching programme that would take me from the very basics to setting up my coaching business!
You see, when the student is ready, the teacher appears! (ever heard that saying? That’s exactly what happened for me)!
I was excited! I knew I had to do it!
However, there was one problem.
Or should I say a challenge!
It cost $10K (the deposit was £990 (approx $1500) and I had less than £90 (approx $120) in my account.
But I knew deep down that I had to do it. I didn’t know how but I knew I had to do it!
Time was running out because it was going to be closing in a few days.
But I made it a non-negotiable that I was going to do WHATEVER it takes to get in!
….Because I knew that it was going to change my life!
I had made some bad business decisions the year before so my credit rating was so bad that I couldn’t even get a credit card.
I called everyone I knew and begged for a loan for the deposit.
It was VERY SCARY because I was terrified that “what if I failed”, “what if it didn’t work’!
All the “what if’s” in the world started bombarding my mind.
By the end of the 2nd day of phoning around and begging, I got the deposit! yahhh!!!!
I enrolled in the programme, and it did change my life! I quickly learned everything I needed to learn and then I launched out!
Within a few months, I went from nobody knowing me to building an active Facebook group of women entrepreneurs from all over the world!
(A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL THE AMAZING WOMEN IN MY GROUP, If you’d love to join us, here’s where to go –!
And some of these amazing women became clients too!
Was it scary taking that LEAP OF FAITH into the unknown?
But I’m forever grateful that I took that step of faith!
Today I have a great business (it hasn’t been an easy ride, but it’s been worth it).
I have built an incredible following on social media of people who trust my expertise and who turn to me for help.
And by the way, the best part is that I have been able to pay back every single penny I borrowed to work with my first ever coach and I’ve been able to work with 2 other coaches who have added immense value to my life and business.
So here are some lessons I have learned along my journey in starting off my coaching business.
Focus on the END GOAL, not ‘HOW’ you are going to get there. It’s all about taking a step of faith. If you don’t step out in faith, you’ll never know what’s possible.
You don’t know what you don’t know. I could have sat there trying to figure it out all on my own and would have still remained stuck (maybe even stucker, if such a word exists!). But I decided to invest in someone who could help me and show me the way.
If you want to succeed in selling HIGH END PROGRAMS, you’ve got to invest in yourself.
There’s no way, I would have had the courage to put out any high end offers if I hadn’t invested in me.
After investing thousands of $$$ in educating myself and being coached by experts, I felt (and still feel) extremely confident that I know my stuff and I can help others to create amazing results!
To wrap this up, whatever your dreams are, it is possible but you’ve got to step out in faith and determine to do whatever it takes to make what you want a reality!
wow- I really really needed #3!!
Glad it was helpful Stephanie. Thanks for stopping by 🙂