I have a great deal of respect for people who went for their dreams and actually made it happen.
And I’m pretty sure that you probably know at least one person (either personally or through social media) that has been able to push through incredible obstacles and is now living their dream.
The funny thing is that when you look at such people, it’s easy to think that it happened overnight for them. The truth is that it did not! And the one thing they all have in common is that they mastered their mindset.
The most difficult part of really going for your dreams and doing amazing things in the world is mastering your mindset.
It’s being able to keep going even when it seems unattainable.
And that’s why not many people are doing it.
Many people want to be able to live their dreams but because they do not have the right mindset for success, they give up at some point or they don’t even bother trying…..very tragic!
For those of you who are choosing to keep going despite the obstacles, here’s something for you….
You can hire coach after coach, invest thousands into courses and programs, but if you haven’t learned how to take control of your mindset, it all amounts to nothing.
Having the right mindset is like taking a shower everyday. It’s something that you work on EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
If you stop taking a shower or you shower only once a week, guess what happens? Yes, you guessed right…you’ll start to stink!
Same thing goes for your mindset!
It needs to be refreshed everyday.
So my advice is this: work on your mindset EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!
Read inspiring books, listen to audios, and say positive things to yourself every day! Look at yourself in the mirror and tell you how amazing you are!
Here’s what I do almost everyday to work on my mindset. I call it my daily mindset regime.
1. Waking up early:
I wake up early. Most times I’m up by 5am before the rest of my family is up.
2. Journalling
After my morning devotional and time with God, I spend about 15 minutes journalling and re-affirming the beliefs that raise my vibration. For example, I could write something like “I am amazing and have what it takes to attract awesome clients”.
I have cool instrumental music playing in the background, while I’m doing this exercise.
3. Listening/reading inspiring stuff
I listen to an inspiring audio or audio book while I’m preparing for the day.
If I have a few spare minutes, or while my kids are doing their homework, I read a book. I must confess that I’m not a great book reader so I tend to listen to audios a lot to bridge that gap.
4. Affirming myself
Another thing I started doing that has really worked for me is looking at myself in the mirror, giving myself a huge smile (I know it sounds weird ….lol), and telling myself how awesome I am! I don’t have a set time for this, it’s a very spontaneous exercise.
This practice has been a life saver for me and has been the backbone of the success I’ve had in my business.
Over to you…
What do you do to take care of your mindset everyday and to keep your vibrations high? Please share in the comments below.
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