Have you ever looked around at the amazing things and income breakthroughs other coaches around you are having and wondered if anyone would even show any interest in what you are doing, not to talk of buying?
This actually happens in every area of life, for example, the girl who is comparing herself to other girls and thinking that they look prettier than her.
In this age of social media, it’s very easy to feel intimidated by what other coaches are doing.
Just scroll down your Facebook feed for two minutes and you’ll see what I mean.
We are constantly bombarded 24/7 by stuff and if you are not careful, it’s very easy to sink into this feeling that what you have is just not good enough!
Quick Story…
Recently, my hubby and I went to Paris to celebrate our wedding anniversary. By the way we had the most amazing time! We left the kids with grandma so it was just the two of us…..bliss!!!
While we were there, we decided to shoot some videos for our businesses. As I was filming his video, IÂ was wow-ing at how amazing he was on camera.
Anyway, it got to my turn, and he was going to film my video.
But guess what?!
I didn’t want to do it! I kept looking for excuse after excuse about why I shouldn’t do it.
Bear in mind that I have been doing videos for the last 4 years.
But on this particular day, I suddenly felt that I wasn’t good at videos anymore just because I had been comparing myself to him! It’s crazy right!!! I did do the video, by the way 🙂 !
That’s the same thing a lot of coaches experience in their business.
They have this amazing idea or maybe they have just launched this awesome package but when they jump or Facebook and see all the stuff other people are doing, they go into a mini depression or shut down mode.
Here are some tips to help you overcome this syndrome:
- Remember that everyone started from somewhere – the people you admire also had a day one, a starting point. They have been in your exact same shoes but have been able to overcome and arrive on top. If they did, so can you!
- Remember that you are unique – it doesn’t matter if someone else is doing the exact same thing you are doing. The way you do it will be different because you are unique and there are people who will resonate with your style.
- Mind your own business – Focusing so much on what other coaches are doing, is an easy way to fall into this ‘not good enough’ trap. Some people spend hours looking at other people’s websites and pages that by the time they get down to working on their business, they are already drained and exhausted. Rather than wasting your time and energy focusing on other people, focus more on the value you have to offer to the world.
- Take consistent action – have an action plan and follow it through, even when you are not seeing immediate results. The more you put yourself out there, the more confident you will start to get. Confidence only comes by practice.
- Be grateful – Write out all the awesome things you have been able to accomplish and be grateful. It doesn’t just have to be in business. It could be anything! Dig deep as you’ll be amazed at the things you uncover and you’ll realise just how amazing you are!
Comparing yourself to others does not serve you in anyway. It can shut you down and prevent you from taking any action towards pursuing your dreams.
So I hope that whenever that feeling of comparing yourself to others pops up again, you’ll be able to use some of the tips I just shared.
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Love and abundance,
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