I think we mums are really amazing and I really admire our ability to old everything together.
But as a business owner and mum to amazing kids, I’m sure that you have A LOT on your plate.
School runs…
The doctor’s appointment…
Driving your lovely kids to their different activities ….
Writing a blog post…(like I’m doing now 🙂 )
Sometimes when you look at everything you have to do, you can feel so overwhelmed and you don’t have a clue where even to start!
I’ve been there! So I know that feeling!
Did you know that overwhelm doesn’t actually come with how much you have to do?
Now pay attention, because this one tip will instantly empower you.
Overwhelm actually comes from thinking that you have to do everything on your list at once!
If you take a close look at everything on your to-do list, you will notice that you don’t have to do everything once.
If you don’t do that shopping today, will the world collapse around you?
Definitely not!
How to get rid of overwhelm the moment you feel it coming.
So here’s what I recommend!
Settle down for a moment and write out everything that you have to do.
Personal stuff, business stuff, EVERYTHING!
If you leave out some stuff, you’ll find yourself cluttering your mind because your mind will keep going back to it.
Don’t analyse, don’t overthink, just keep writing or typing (if you prefer typing).
You don’t even need to write in complete sentences if you don’t want to. Bullet points will be just fine!
Once you have everything out of your head and on paper, you will be able to clearly see that some things don’t have to be done now.
You will also be able to see that you don’t have to be a supermum and do everything yourself.
You can actually delegate some of the things on your list.
For example, maybe you could get a friend to pick up your 6 year from school while picking up her children.
Or maybe you could get your husband to do the grocery shopping on his way from the gym. Maybe you could outsource the design of your blog header.
Try this exercise…
If you are feeling overwhelmed right now. Just get out a piece of paper or open up a blank word document, and write down everything that’s floating around in your head. Or you can download this worksheet to do this exercise.
When you have everything written down, sort through them and decide what can be delegated, what you can do yourself and what can be done another day.
Then schedule in your new action points into your calendar. Some people prefer the good old fashioned calendars. I prefer to use Google calendar. For me it’s quick and easy and I can colour code different activities.
Whichever system you are comfortable with, what’s important to remember is that you schedule those activities and that you check it daily to remind yourself what needs to be done.
Overwhelm doesn’t have to be a part of your life. You can overcome it by doing this exercise regularly!
Download this PDF and worksheets for the complete process I follow to stay out of overwhelm.
Before you go…
What do you do to get out of overwhelm? Do you have any tips for getting rid of mental clutter? Please share them in the comments below.
Have an amazing day!
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